Confused about leveling up at Tesla?

For far too long our compensation has been decided in a way that seems unfair and overly subjective. We deserve to have full access to information about the processes that determine our livelihoods, including answers to these questions:

  1. What is the top hourly pay rate for each classification, and how long do we have to work to reach it?
  2. What is the criteria we need to meet to reach each pay level?
  3. How many workers are currently at each level?
  4. What percentage of workers level-up during each review period?
  5. What is the average raise workers receive during reviews?
  6. How can management guarantee that this process is performed fairly?

We all work very hard to make the best cars in the world and feel that our hard work is taken for granted because our compensation does not reflect the cost of living here in the Bay Area. Our families and communities depend on us, and ultimately we are organizing to address these issues and more in a union contract.

If you’re confused about leveling up or concerned about favoritism, we want to hear your story. Use the form below to contact the organizing committee, or call/text 

Contact the Organizing Committee